Sri Kalgidhar Chamatkar – Vol 1 & 2 – English


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Turiya are proud to release this wonderful 2 volume bookset which details various original sakhiyan from life of Sri Guru Gobind Singh ji.

The ithihaas is a direct translation of the highly esteemed ithihaasik record ‘Sri Gurpartaap Suraj Granth’ which was written by one of Khalsa Panths greatest scholars, Bhai Kavi Santokh Singh ji Nirmala.

The translation is done by the highly respected Bhai Vir Singh ji.

The sakhiyan cover many aspects of Guru Ji’s amazing life and give beautifully details of the deep spiritual intelligence of the Guru and Khalsa as well as the Gurmat framework of true bravery and courage.

Learn about the real reason why Madho Das attacked the Guru, learn about the supreme love Bhai Nand Lal had for the Guru, learn about the true justice system of the Guru.

Learn about the true persona of the 10th Master from original historical source, and imbibe it within your own character.

Additional information

Original Author

Kavi Santokh Singh






Publication date

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