Operation Blue Star – English


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There is no doubt in any Sikhs mind, that Operation Blue Star was an attack on the heart and mind of the Sikh Panth.

In the massive ocean of confusion, opinion, bias and propoganda that surrounds this important yet sensitive subject, Ex Jathedaar and Sikh Theologian Giani Kirpal Singh Jis eye witness account and in-depth research on the whole topic is perhaps the best reading on this important topic.

Referencing numerous speeches, events, letters, meetings, communications, decisions and eye witness accounts, whilst showing some important maps of the complex and the attack, this book does not fear exposing the selfish motives of many of the the then self appointed Akali leaders. We could all learn first hand from this massively researched account via original referenced sources rather than rely on biased websites, leaflets and overly simplified presentations.

It is a duty of every Sikh to learn first hand, from original sources, the nuances of what actually happened in 1984, and the how, why and where. Free from bias. This important account is an excellent starting point providing a truck load of important contextualised references.

Additional information

Original Author

Giani Kirpal Singh




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