Sri Gur Sobha – English


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Kavi Sainapati was one of Guru Gobind Singh Ji’s 52 royal poets, who worked to translate the ocean of ancient Indian wisdom in the 10th Master’s divine darbar

Amongst his many priceless contributions, was the first ever translation of the Chanakya Neeti granth (ancient granth on political, diplomatic and strategic science) which was taught to the Khalsa.

The granth contains detailed accounts of the early Khalsa, many of Guru Gobind Singh’s battles, the creation of the Khalsa and the sakha of Chamkaur (1st written account of shaheedi of Baba Ajeet Singh and Baba Jujaar Singh).

The truly amazing fact is, that this historical granth was written during the time of these events occurring.

This is the first book release of this mind blowing granth, which has been translated by the best Brij Basha (dialect) linguistic experts in Punjab.

Invest in this treasure. Inspire yourself. Educate yourself. Change yourself. Preserve this priceless heritage for our future generations.

Additional information

Original Author

Kavi Sainapati






Publication date

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